Saturday, January 15, 2011

The extended holiday

Friends for Felix is taking a long extended holiday (alright I am kidding myself, the doors are closing) and we are very sad about it all! While I would love to be sewing our feltie friends for others, returning back to work in 2011 means that I will not be able to do both. I am blessed that my little man gets to spend time with his Nan or his Dad while I work which makes things a lot easier for me. What it does mean is that the time we have together as a little family of three is rare as usually one is at work or we are doing all those fun things like cleaning the house and keeping our lives in order. My goal for 2011 is to be able to spend some family time together enjoying our little boy, so sadly Friends for Felix will be slowing right down. The craftbox will not be shut forever, I will still be creating for my family, friends and finishing off some long term requests from some loyal customers. I won't be closing our facebook page or blog, but the focus will change to documenting the crafting adventures of one mum and one little boy (I have a first birthday to go crazy on!!! I can't wait!)

It has taken me a little while to return to needle and thread in the New Year as I have been enjoying family time (indoors with all this rain!) but this week has seen the beginnings of some new feltie friends. This cheeky little monkey is festively plump, maybe had one too many slices of Grandma's Christmas cake! He is being made to hang in the car for a little bubba (that is still baking). I am yet to decide on how I will do his tail and whether his twin sister will be identical or not..tough decisions! I love making custom orders and one off pieces, I get really excited when creating for others!

Sweet Dreams.
